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Supported Network

The Msgport Protocol is a robust and reliable cross-chain messaging protocol that has been deployed on many mainstream Ethereum blockchains, This protocol has undergone careful revisions to enhance its developer and user-friendliness.

Canonical Cross-chain Contract

The Msgport protocol is a set of contracts that defines the core interfaces for sending and receiving cross-chain messages. You can think of it as an abstract class in programming, with Msgport as its name. This abstract class can have multiple subclasses, known as messaging protocols, which extend its functionality. Each of these subclasses must adhere to the interfaces defined in the Msgport protocol. To be user-friendly, most of the messaging protocol has its unique contract address across all the networks it supports. The table below shows the canonical cross-chain contract address for each supported network.

Contract Canonical Cross-chain Deployment Address
SubAPIMultiSig 0x22117Db68370590c1031f52a6D1aDE3DCe0cCf9a
ORMP 0x13b2211a7cA45Db2808F6dB05557ce5347e3634e
Oracle 0xBE01B76AB454aE2497aE43168b1F70C92Ac1C726
Relayer 0x114890eB7386F94eae410186F20968bFAf66142a
ORMPUpgradeablePort 0x2cd1867Fb8016f93710B6386f7f9F1D540A60812
MsgDeployer 0x040f331774Ed6BB161412B4cEDb1358B382aF3A5

However, the Tron network and it's testnet(Shasta) have its their canonical cross-chain contract address due to its special design, list below:

Contract Canonical Cross-chain Deployment Address
Tron SUBAPIMultiSig TMP3K1GjRgsXAUHX1jkBaBwaordRi9gHRH
Tron ORMP TJPZeFEdc4TBEcNbku5xVZLQ6B2Q1oGnd1
Tron Oracle TV9FgX1jHSg1k6kEaZtYR2ZH4AdqnMCDak
Tron Relayer TSZgvR9xTGeG3RXcUKnWWcUAAAEskXdCHj
Tron ORMPUpgradeablePort TFRF7t9m7pGLnwwX8TFsZvj85EvQ6gSBCm
Contract Canonical Cross-chain Deployment Address
Shasta SUBAPIMultiSig TEYbMKVNpumbN5myf5uN6VgFStckj9DGe5
Shasta ORMP TPJifBA5MvFf918VYnajd2XmEept4iBX55
Shasta Oracle TDULRJrJ2bbsvW3KKtEnnq9moPn5PyUWpd
Shasta Relayer TZGjiJcoqUo6JSZeYvrwN6qvpEcLm21QbG
Shasta ORMPUpgradeablePort TSZCvXyP618r4AxYmVD15Zu46VB3AFeAyd

Supported Networks

The ORMP messaging protocol is available on the following main/test networks, which means you can integrate cross-chain capabilities into your application without needing to deploy the underlying messaging protocol yourself. If your desired network is not listed, please feel free to reach out to our team for support and we will be happy to assist you.

For Mainnet

For Testnet