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This page provides clear definitions for key terms and concepts central to the Msgport protocol. Designed for both developers and users, it simplifies the understanding of our infrastructure. From "Port" to "MsgHash," each term is explained to help you navigate the complexities of decentralized messaging. Updated regularly, this glossary reflects the evolving nature of our technology, ensuring you have the most current information at your fingertips.


The "port" is a fundamental concept in the msgport protocol, designating the access point where users or applications directly interact by sending or receiving messages. It is a pivotal element of the protocol's infrastructure. Each port is represented by an independent smart contract with a predefined address and can be uniquely identified by a combination of the chain_id and the port address.


Once the concept of a "port" is clear, it becomes easier to comprehend the role of the PortRegistry. This registry acts as a catalog for all ports that are recognized by a particular blockchain, and it is administered by a decentralized body known as MsgDao. Each port listed has to pass through a meticulous process of audit and registration, which is conducted through governance mechanisms. Upon successful registration, developers of decentralized applications (DApps) can tap into these verified ports to create sophisticated cross-chain applications. This decentralized registry process enhances the transparency and trustworthiness of the messaging infrastructure, empowering developers to integrate these ports into their applications with confidence. For more in-depth information, you're encouraged to review the contract code.


MsgHash, as the only identifier for a cross-chain message, is returned if the message was successfully sent in the source chain.